Ovidiu Negrean

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Serial founder, with expertise in building bootstrapped businesses
After 10+ years of experience working in various companies, ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies, while also having some entrepreneurial ventures in between, Ovidiu jumped full time into the startup world with nugget (acquired) and is now focused on SocialBee.
He has experience in building and managing software development teams, building SaaS and mobile products, creating ROI-positive social media, marketing, and product launches.
Ovidiu developed the Alternative Startup Methodology that shifts the conventional startup model by focusing on the Sell -> Service -> Scale sequence. Instead of building a product nobody wants to pay for, or even instead of creating an MVP, you have to SELL the results first -> SERVICE the customer second -> and only then SCALE the business.
This gets you started faster and puts you on the right path, and also decreases risk and increases the chances of success.
Ovidiu is passionate about helping startups succeed in building great products, finding the appropriate launch sequence, and the best levers to grow. He’s also an idea machine and can really help with brainstorming.
Meet Ovidiu Negrean at How to Web!
Founder @ GrowthX and GrowthX Academy
Product/market fit expert in a wide variety of markets
Managing Partner @ Seedcamp
Investor in 4 European unicorns and thought leader at Seedcamp Podcast
UX Design Lead @ Google
Applied psychologist and interaction/UX designer, Android design and research
Chief Product Officer @ Sotrender
Product leader with deep expertise in product metrics